IMG_0144CRASH, BANG WALLOP, what a picture! Today the sun reared its beautiful head over the summit and the students were in awe of the breath-taking scenery; even better, they could see where they were skiing. Although it still didn’t stop a few going in to each other. (You know who you are!)

The top group experienced powder skiing today and it brought a new meaning to ‘powdering one’s nose’. IMG_0263Several students even tasted it! Jammie Dodger could barely stand up because the snow was so deep. Tyler managed to find a frozen stream and his ski got stuck to it so that the instructor had to come to his rescue and pull his ski free.

The beginners are now moving around the mountain and paid a visit to another village called Reberty. They have used all of the various types of lifts. We are looking forward to them going further afield as the week progresses.

Tonight’s entertainment was passed at the local sports centre where they all found the energy to shoot hoops, play table tennis and badminton.IMG_0234 It was great to watch the various age groups mixing and socialising so well together.

Then it was back for showers and bed. You will be pleased to know that all students know the meaning of showering; some, for no other reason than it soothes their aching muscles.

Take a look at the day’s action.