Governing Body
What is the role of the Governing Body?
Governing bodies are responsible and accountable for all major decisions about the school and its future. The Governing Body has, enshrined in the Education Act 2002, a legal responsibility to, ‘conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school’.
We are exceptionally proud of our school and absolutely committed to ensuring that the school is a great place to learn, work, develop and be part of a wider community. We continue to work effectively with the school’s senior leadership team to collaboratively achieve the school vision, as together, we will nurture, inspire, challenge and achieve.
As you may be aware, the role of the governing board is a strategic one with three key functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction,
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils,
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
The governors do not get involved in the day to day running of the School; this is the responsibility of the Headteacher and the Staff. Should you have any issues or concerns about your child’s education, his/her tutor is always the first point of contact.
Mrs T Hampton
Chair of Governors
I was brought up in Andover and am proud to say I was a student at Harrow Way School. As I live and work locally, I want to support and give something back to the community and would like to do all I can to ensure Harrow Way becomes the first school of choice for all its catchment families. My son is currently a student at the school.
I have been a Governor at Harrow Way School since 2010. I was appointed a Parent Governor initially and am now a Co-Opted Governor. I am Chair of the Students and Curriculum Committee and Vice Chair of the Governing body.
I currently work in education and therefore have an insight into the very challenging political and financial issues facing all of our schools. I also know that being a parent affords me a view from both sides of the fence, which gives me a rounded view of school life.
Mr D Lincoln
Vice Chair of Governors
Governor profile – coming soon.
Ms K Cook
Co-opted Governor
Governor Profile - Coming Soon
Mrs K Deans
Co-opted Governor
I have lived in Andover most of my life, except for a few years in America after attending Andover College. Currently I work for a high street bank, where I have been since finishing my degree in Psychology and Criminology.
My daughter started at Harrow Way in September 2020, where I also attended school, and I wished to give something back to the school, student and community. I hope to bring a parent view to the well-being of the students and support wherever I can.
Outside of work, my spare time is taken up with helping to run a Girl Guide Unit and all the activities that comes with.
Mrs F Dunn
Co-opted Governor
I have been involved with Schools since 2006 when I was a ‘Community Governor’ at a Primary School in Wandsworth, London. As a Nurse with 35 years’ experience and a specialism in School Nursing and Sexual Health, I have a passion for ensuring that our young people have the best provision available to make informed decisions about their lives and the education that supports this to see them become rounded individuals.
I am a parent with 2 ‘grown-up’ sons, one who is Autistic and works full time for the NHS in a Safeguarding role and the other is a serving soldier. I have three Grandchildren for whom we moved to Andover 10 years ago to assist with support. I now live and work locally to Andover having commuted to London daily for 8 years.
Mrs D German
I feel very privileged to have been appointed as Headteacher of Harrow Way Community School and entrusted with the job of leading this wonderful school.
We have remarkable students and a dedicated and inspiring staff. It is a school with many strengths, but the relationships between parents, staff and students ensure its success.
As a parent myself I have a strong belief in the school system to support, challenge and nurture all students to become their best selves. All children deserve to go to a school that has high expectations of them and delivers high quality teaching each and every day. I also believe that schools should provide students with a well-rounded education full of opportunities, experiences and inspiration for the future.
Alongside the Governing Body, I am pleased to lead Harrow Way Community School in the next stage of its journey as it continues to go from strength to strength. Together, we can ensure that our young people enjoy their time at secondary school, make good progress and leave us with the necessary skills and attributes to be successful in their future lives.
Mr A Gill
Co-opted Governor
As a parent with a strong interest in education and close family ties to the local area, I believe Harrow Way plays a crucial role in the development of Andover’s young people and the wider community. I am passionate about the value of inclusive education and the positive impact this has on society. Seeing these values echoed in the school’s ethos I look forward to supporting the excellent leadership team to continue to deliver on the school’s ambitions.
Having worked in higher education for a number of years and from my own time at school, I know how important a person’s school years are in giving them the choices they need to go on and have a filled and productive life, whether that involves college, university, or another route. In my professional role at a university, I have a strong understanding of education policy that I can bring to the role of governor at Harrow Way. I also have good experience in delivering community outreach. Other professional skills include stakeholder engagement, project management, and partnerships.
Mrs L Godfrey
Co-opted Governor
Governor profile - coming soon.
Mrs S Grover
I have lived in Andover all my life and am happy to say I was a student at Harrow Way School. I live locally and work for the Ministry of Defence. Both my children have been students at Harrow Way and the eldest is now a teacher in a local primary school and my other daughter is currently at Winchester University studying to become a teacher.
I have been a Governor at Harrow Way School since 2001. I was appointed a Parent Governor initially and am now a Co-Opted Governor. I am Chair of the Finance and General Purposes Committee.
My role within the MOD is within the finance department so I understand the issues facing public sector departments and the squeeze on budgets. The processes within both departments are very similar.
Due to both children still being involved within education, allows me to have a good insight into what is happening and the impact certain initiatives are having also having been a parent allows me to have balanced view.
Mr M Kent
Governor Profile - Coming Soon
Mrs E Mouland
Co-opted Governor
Mr W Owen
Co-opted Governor
Governor profile - coming soon.
Mrs V Seren
Co-opted Governor
As a pupil, Harrow Way nurtured and developed me, allowing me opportunities to learn and grow in a safe supportive environment. The core values I learnt from my time as a student still help shape my life and the choices I make today.
When I left Harrow Way I attended college and then onto University, after achieving my degree I returned to Harrow Way where I currently hold the position of Assistant SENCo.
As a member of staff, Harrow Way has enabled me to ensure that others can have the same opportunities as I did, to learn and grow in an equally safe and supportive environment.
As a governor I wish to safeguard these practises for both our current and future students so that we all continue to benefit from being in the Harrow Way family.
Mr B Stokes
Co-opted Governor
I have worked in further education for 15 years, starting my career as a Sport Lecturer after receiving a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sport Studies. I also received a PCGE in Education from University of Southampton.
I originally as a lecturer in Sport before moving to be Head of Sport. I worked extensively with a wide range of national exam boards supporting the development of different qualifications within the sport sector. I then progressed shortly after that to become Head of Sixth Form, responsible for the A Level curriculum at Andover College. I have since taken on a wider role for the Andover curriculum as Vice Principal. I have a passion for supporting teaching, learning and assessment so that students receive an outstanding education that helps them to develop as individuals and progress on to aspirational careers. Education in Andover is on an upward curve and has been improving year-on-year as fewer students leave the Town. I am committed to ensuring that this continues to be the case as the Town develops around its schools and college. This has been the reason behind becoming a Governor at Harrow Way School. I am currently on the Students & Curriculum committee.
Membership of Governors’ Committees
Committee | Members |
Planning, Performance & Development | Mrs S Grover, Mrs T Hampton, Mrs D German. |
Pay | Mrs S Grover, Mrs T Hampton (Chair), Mrs D German |
Finance & General Purposes | Mrs S Grover (Chair), Mrs D German, Mr M Kent |
Students/Curriculum | Ms K Cook, Mrs K Deans, Mrs F Dunn, Mrs D German, Mr A Gill, Mrs S Grover, Mrs T Hampton, Mr M Kent, Mrs V Seren, Mr B Stokes, Mrs K Wagg |
Link Governors
Each governor is linked to a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) as part of the ‘Link Governors’ scheme.
The details of which governor is linked to which member of SLT are given below:
Post | Post Holder | Link Governor |
Headteacher | Mr Dawn German | Mrs Tanya Hampton |
Safeguarding Link Governor | Mrs Katy Woods | Mr D Lincoln |
Inclusion Link Governor | Mrs Katy Woods | Mr D Lincoln |
Careers Education and Guidance Link Governor | Mr Graham Fluellen | Mr M Kent |
Health and Safety Link Governor | Mrs Tracey Roberts | Mr W Owen |
Pupil Premium Link Governor | Mr Nicholas Reed | Mrs L Godfrey |
Training and Development Link Governor | Mr Andrew Whitworth | Mrs Tanya Hampton |