IMAG0130We’re here! After an early start and slightly delayed journey, Southampton Airport, Flybe and Chambery Airport did us proud. Not sure about the coach company though; the driver couldn’t even find the entrance to Southampton Airport!

Upon our arrival at Chambery, Mr Hudson bumped into an ex-Harrow Way student on her way to the same resort as us. She left the school back in the 80’s, but recognised Mr H’s ugly face immediately! A highlight from today was Roland mistaking his boarding pass for a receipt and chucking it in a rubbish bin and, whilst retrieving it, got a few strange looks from passers-by, but thankfully he found it. To pass the time during our delay a few of the students decided to play ‘Name the Capital City’ of various countries with us. We were very impressed with their geographical knowledge, but there was one moment of hilarity when a student was asked the capital of Australia. When given the clue that it had the same name as a famous ship, one bright spark piped up ‘Concordia’!  Well at least she got the first letter right. She did know the answer really!

Jess has already taken the first tumble and we haven’t put our skis on yet! Somehow she had an argument with the giant ‘Connect 4’ in the common room whilst waiting for our meeting to start and somehow managed to make it look like a slow motion action shot. It was more like Connect 5! The whole room erupted with raucous laughter.

After dinner we wandered across the piste to the shops for everyone to get their bearings and feel the fresh snow under their feet. The hotel’s great and the staff are very friendly. It is in a prime location and we can’t wait to get those skies on in the morning. It’s been snowing since we got here.

Sorry it’s only a short one tonight but we need our beauty sleep (some more than others!)