The sun has got his hat on, hip, hip, hip, hip, hooray,
The sun has got his hat on, but not kept the cold away!
This morning it was -17 in the resort. Brrrrrr! But it didn’t stop us from braving the elements, all looking like Michelin men, wrapped up and with lots of pistes ahead of us. Although very cold, today was special; perfect sun and tons of snow. So what hilarity was going to occur?
Mr Sleepy, Lewis C, had his breakfast, went back to his room, led on his bed and promptly fell asleep, so his group had to go on without him. Lewis thought he was having a nightmare when Mrs Cook shook him awake. Lewis and the HW staff tried to catch his group up, but they were always one lift ahead of us. Unfortunately, the group skied far too fast, so we gave it up as a bad job and Lewis skied with us all morning. He was so good that he is now staying in France as a ski instructor.
This afternoon we skied with the top group to take photographs. Their instructor had a great sense of humour and took the group off piste so that we could get some super photos. We were not disappointed and Harvey N was the first to oblige. He managed one turn and planted his face. Good job we weren’t assessing him today for his GCSE. Ha ha!
Next to fall was Ollie S who, not having seen the little ledge the instructor had jumped off, managed to perform a forward somersault into some lovely soft snow. We laughed till our sides ached; aided by the fact that Mrs Cook promptly did a near perfect imitation, but said that she only did it to make Ollie feel better!
Later, after we had managed to get back on piste, which took a while as we had so much debris to excavate, we had to schuss to avoid a long walk to the next lift. Luke H managed to completely wipe out an unsuspecting skier, having temporarily lost control of his skis and senses! No harm done except for Luke’s walk of shame to the lift as he had lost his opportunity to complete his schuss.
Tonight we are ten pin bowling and are really hoping that the bowling ball does not freeze to our hands!