1spudAre you interested in where you live? Do you enjoy designing and planning? Have you thought about the places and spaces that you 1inspiringuse?

Then read on …….

SPUD is a project for young people to work on a live architectural/urban design brief. The Andover SPUD group will look at access issues between the Lights Art Centre and the town centre,1SCAD coming up with ideas and solutions to improve the area and then presenting them to decision makers. Along with the focus on ‘access’, this project provides young people with and without disabilities to come together and share, collaborate and express their views and opinions.

The project is FREE and runs for 3 days: 12th, 13th and 14th July (10am – 4pm) to be held at the Lights Art Centre, Andover. The workshops will be run by architects and artists.

1LightsStudents attending will be presented with a certificate of achievement and be allowed to keep any of the work for their own portfolios. Students could also potentially use the work towards their Arts Award or Duke of Edinburgh Award. Refreshments will be provided, but students will be required to bring their own lunch.

If you would like to come along, and are between the ages of 14 and 19, please email: mark@sc-associates.org.uk with your contact details to receive further information and reserve a place.