Rhonda Sturgess, Harrow Way’s School Sport’s Coordinator, and Margaret Winnett of Andover Lawn Tennis Club have won a bid to enable the ALTC to offer the 16+ age group the opportunity to return to sport – Return to Sport is Big Lottery funded through Sport England – its aim is to get more adults back into sport.

If you are 16+ and are a tennis beginner you are invited to participate. Rackets and balls will be provided, and the sessions are on Mondays commencing 20th April, either between 6 and 7pm or 7 and 8pm. There are a maximum of 16 places in each session so people will need to get their forms in quickly. Please download a booking form using this link and send your completed form with payment to Margaret.

Places will be on a first come basis but if the sessions are over subscribed then cheques will be returned.

This is the really good bit! Ten sessions will only cost £30, and that includes use of the equipment and tennis coaches!