Junior Sports LeadersTwelve Year 6 pupils from Knights Enham Juniors went back to school ‘buzzing’ after spending an hour in our gym with basketballs and half of our Sports Leaders. Mrs Leigh, their Year 6 teacher, expressed her thanks, saying: ‘A big thank you to the Harrow Way Sports Leaders! The children had a fantastic time and said they wished they could do it every week!’.

Last Thursday, the other half of the Sports Leaders’ group successfully led twelve Year 6 from Portway Juniors. They helped their pupils to pass, shoot and dribble. Whistles were also confidently used when refereeing the mini-games, with the Sports Leaders learning not to cover the holes!

Roman Way Year 6 pupils are planned in for two more basketball sessions here at Harrow Way in the lead up to the Primary Town Schools Basketball Competition, to be held here at Harrow Way on Thursday March 27th at 3.30 pm.

This is the first year Harrow Way has run the Level 1 Sports leaders course. All the students involved are learning how to lead through sport, improving their organisation and communication skills, their understanding of what an official does as well as promoting fair play in sport. They will also learn how to lead a health and fitness session as well as find out what sporting opportunities and facilities there are in the community. To achieve their Level 1 qualification they will have to demonstrate an hour’s worth of leadership.

Many more opportunities for leadership are planned in, including supporting at our Sportshall event on Friday 15th February in the afternoon, as well as at many local Town and Rural Schools Primary Competitions.  Some of the students have also already volunteered to help run clubs in the local community, support lunchtime activities at Harrow Way and help out at local schools.

Well done Sports Leaders – keep up the great work!