1. The name of the association shall be Harrow Way Community School Association (to be referred to as HWCSA).
  2. The objects of the Association shall be to enhance and advance the education of the students at Harrow Way Community School (to be referred to as HWCS).  To achieve this objective the Association may:
    • Organise activities and events which foster extended relationships between students, staff, parents, local businesses and community users and
    • Engage in activities which support and advance the education of the students at HWCS
    • Assist in the provision of resources or facilities not normally provided by the Local Education Authority.
    • Engage in fund-raising activities to support the school in its bid to improve and enhance both curricular and enrichment programmes.
  3. The Association shall be non-political and non-sectarian.
  4. Membership shall consist of all parents/carers of students, all staff, members of the governing body, partners and associates of the school (to be referred to as the School Community) and a list of all current partners and associates of the school shall be available for inspection.
  5. The business of the Association will be conducted by a Committee comprising members from the School Community and will include at least the following:- 4 parents/carers of students, 2 staff members and 2 members of the Governing Body.
  6. There shall be at least one Committee meeting each term. A quorum shall consist of 8 members of the Committee.
  7. The Committee shall annually elect its own Officers: Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
  8. A Financial Auditor, not a member of the Committee, shall be appointed by the Committee at the AGM to serve for the following year.
  9. The AGM shall be called within 6 weeks of the beginning of the Autumn Term. A quorum for an AGM shall consist of 4 parents/carers, 2 staff members, and 2 members of the Governing Body.
  10. A Special General Meeting may be convened at the written request, to the Secretary, of an Officer or 10 members of the Association. The subsequent meeting shall be held with at least 7 days’ notice and within 30 days of the request. Agenda and motions submitted shall be circulated to all members. A quorum for an SGM shall be 2 parents, 2 staff members and 2 members from the Governing Body.
  11. There shall be no compulsory membership subscription for the Association but funds may be raised in such manner as the Committee shall determine.
  12. The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping account of all Income and Expenditure and shall present a Financial Report to all Committee Meetings. The Treasurer shall present the accounts, duly audited, or independently examined for approval by members at the AGM.
  13. The Financial Year shall commence on 1st April each year.
  14. Bank Accounts shall be operated in the name of the Association and withdrawals shall be made on the signature of any two of the three Officers of the Association.
  15. No alteration to this Constitution may be made except at the AGM or a   Special General Meeting called for this purpose.
  16. The Association may be dissolved by a resolution presented at a Special General Meeting called for this purpose. The resolution must have the assent of two thirds of those present and entitled to vote. Such a resolution may give instructions for the disposal of any assets remaining after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities. Any remaining assets will be given to the school for the benefit of the School Community.
  17. Any matter not provided for in this Constitution, and concerning the organisation and activities of the Association, shall be dealt with by the Committee, whose decision shall be final.

Constitution as agreed by the Committee of HWCSA on 27 February 2007.