The BBC returned to Harrow Way Community School recently to give students an insight into creative careers. Hosted by the BBC’s Kathryn Wilson, a range of professionals, including the BBC and an independent poet and writer discussed their careers, all linked to the theme of storytelling.
Assistant Headteacher Graeme Fluellen explains further: “You will find storytelling evident in an incredibly important range of different careers, from marketing, news and sport to law, entrepreneurship, design, and more. Our exciting visitors were able to bring these professions to life so students were able to envisage the direct link between school and studies to careers and employers.”
Earlier in the term the BBC visited Harrow way as part of their centenary celebrations, 100 Share Your Story, which aims to inspire young people to achieve their career goals and help realise their ambitions.
This term Harrow Way has extended their varied and vibrant programme of career opportunities to include Year 7. Amazon’s Paul Hutson discussed with the year group his career path that led to his present role leading a team that programs the voice of Alexa. Paul talked about the various different job and career areas available at Amazon ranging from web support, TV and film production through to virtual shopping and the Amazon Alexa system (where Paul currently leads a team programming languages).
Students were also talked through the different roles in the company and the different routes to working for them, from A-Levels to Apprenticeships, internships and T-Levels.
Mr Fluellen concludes: “We have more talks and visits scheduled for the rest of the year as we want to expose students to as many different careers and employers as possible before the end of Year 11.”