Following the most recent Ofsted inspection of Harrow Way Community on 14th and 15th July 2022, it is with great pleasure that I share below a copy of the Report from Her Majesty’s Inspector Linda Culling. In summary, the report confirms that the school remains ‘good’ with many outstanding features identified.

The outcome of the inspection is positive news for Harrow Way. It reflects the hard work of students, staff and the Governing Body. The report also demonstrates the impact of the school’s support provided by parents/carers. It is, therefore, extremely important that I acknowledge and thank you for your continued support.

I am immensely proud of the inspection report and the efforts of everyone who contributes daily to our high-quality provision here at Harrow Way. I am particularly thrilled that what the inspectors saw for two days is what we see every day – an excellent school.

I hope that you find the inspection outcome report informative and as pleasing as we do.

Harrow Way Inspection Report

Ofsted noted specifically:

  • Pupils enjoy attending school. Staff have high expectations for all. The school encourages pupils to ‘Be ready, be respectful and be their best. They live up to this by behaving well and working hard in their lessons.
  • Pupils feel safe and know that they have someone to talk to at school if they are worried. Pupils say that bullying is not tolerated. Pupils are very well cared for. 
  • Pastoral support is a strength of the school.
  • Leaders have constructed a curriculum that is broad and ambitious.
  • Leaders have developed a coherent programme of professional development for staff.
  • Behaviour in lessons is very positive. Pupils listen to the teacher and support each other with learning.
  • Pupils’ conduct around the school is very good. They are sensible and polite.
  • The wider personal development of pupils is a strength. Differences are respected.
  • Governors provide effective support and challenge to leaders at the school. 
  • Staff feel proud to work here and value the support that leaders give them. They appreciate the opportunities for career development. 
  • Leadership development is a strength of the school. Leaders balance staff well-being with a focus on improving standards for pupils.”