As a UNICEF Rights Respecting school, it is imperative that we recognise and celebrate Black History Month. Through our work as an RR school, our peer educators regularly inform fellow students about equality and explain how everyone deserves the same rights as each other.

During Tutor Time this week students have the opportunity to explore Black History Month and discover some of the key things black people have contributed to in the world we live in today. Students will be considering why they think it is important to celebrate this month and will welcome opportunities for discussion and reflection. Presentations can be viewed here:
Black History Month Presentation
Black History Month Facts

Now, every October in the United Kingdom, we remember the fight black citizens have taken to beat the prejudice forced upon them and we celebrate the journey they have taken to be treated equally.

It is important for any human being to celebrate this month, however, at Harrow Way, we feel it is our job to spread knowledge and understanding of Black History Month through our Rights Respecting status and Tutor Time activities, and ensure our staff and students are properly educated about it.