IMG_3389On Wednesday Miss King and Mr Carter took 15 pupils (12 Year 9 and 3 Year 8) to Oxford University, the trip was organised to Raise pupils aspirations.

In Year 9 Mr Carter, Year Leader, has been working with 24 high ability students (All Stars), meeting with them fortnightly, discussing their progress and talking about different opportunities they feel they would benefit from. The Oxford trip was one of them. These students had first refusal.

The pupils had a guided tour with guide for 2 hours, which included:-

A tour inside of Christ Church College.
A tour of the City and outside other colleges.
A discussion with 2 current students(1 Under grad, 1 Post grad).
A tour of the brand new Andrew Wiles Building, Mathematical Institute including lecture theatre.

It was a very successful trip and all students had a great time.