As the Bee Gees once said “How deep is the snow, is the snow, how deep is the snow … We need to learn to ski … Coz we’re falling in it waist deep … We make such a heap … And should all get more sleep†(You see we’ve all contracted snow madness, but it’s a nice feeling.)
Today the groups experienced powder skiing both on and off the piste. The top group did some incredibly tough and steep runs and looked like a car-boot sale with debris all over the place. Now, for those of you who are keen skiers, off-piste is great fun, but as you know if you fall over in it, it’s incredibly difficult to dig
yourself out. Cerys is an expert at it. In fact, at one stage she ran for her life when Fletch came careering towards her. It was a funny sight as Cerys kept disappearing up to her neck with every step she took. There were some spectacular wipe-outs and we had to keep head-counting to make sure we had dug them all out. All groups returned this afternoon saying that it had been the best day ever.
This evening’s entertainment was silly outdoor snow games. They took it in turns to put their head on a ski-pole and spin around it, getting very dizzy and then falling over and eating soft snow; they had a bit more bum-boarding and went on to play ‘SPLAT’ or football on the snow, which culminated in a massive snowball fight.
We’ve decided to start packing early as we think that it will take some students a long time to get their stuff organised. They have one more day out on the slopes and then you can have them back!