IMG_0980As a reward for being one of the top 20 reward stamp holders in the school over the past academic year, this Activity Day we took 14 Students from all year groups for a day off site in the Hampshire countryside to try GeoCaching.

For those unfamiliar with GeoCaching, it’s a modern day form of Treasuring Hunting (or Letterboxing) played by millions of people worldwide who try to find hidden IMG_0904‘caches’ placed by other GeoCachers using GPS devices. We took the Students on a circular route of just under 8 miles starting in Clatford to find a series of 17 hidden caches. The Students were able to locate each of the caches on their own using GPS receivers, open them up, sign the log books inside each one, pick up and leave small objects to be found by future GeoCachers and hide the caches back where they were found.

We were incredibly lucky with the weather, avoiding all of the rain storms hitting the rest of Andover and every single Student behaved incredibly well, joined in with the game and was a credit to the school.

Check out our gallery of photos from the day here.

— Giles Davis, Ashley May and Dan Gardner